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Pazo Arretén

Pazo Arretén



    Owner: VIDALFERRS S.L.

    Tradename: PAZO ARRETEN

    Tax ID: B15635634

    Registered address: LUGAR DE POUSA S/N – PAZOS. 15917 PADRÓN (A CORUÑA)



By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user is informed and provides their free, informed, specific and unambiguous consent for the personal data they provide on the website at (hereinafter the “Website”) to be processed by VIDALFERRS S.L., with their browsing data and any other data they provide to VIDALFERRS S.L. in the future.

The user must read this Privacy Policy carefully, which has been written clearly and simply, to improve understanding, to freely and voluntarily decide whether they wish to provide their personal data to VIDALFERRS S.L.



Data requested in Website forms are generally mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the requested field) to comply with the stated purposes.

Therefore, if these are not provided or not provided correctly, they may not be addressed, without affecting the free display of the Website content.



The personal data provided through the Website will be processed by VIDALFERRS S.L. for the following purposes:

    4.1 Data provided for making reservations, both through the website and the contact center (call center, email or chat) for individual or group bookings:

  • Managing booking requests made by users.
  • Sending the confirmation or documentation for the booking made.
  • If consent has been given, sending commercial communications on behalf of VIDALFERRS S.L.
  • Analysing the use of the Website and checking user preferences and behaviour.

    4.2 Data provided to register as a user with VIDALFERRS S.L.:

  • Managing your request to register or deregister within the category chosen by the user.
  • Checking that the user meets the requirements for registering within the selected category, whenever VIDALFERRS S.L. deems it appropriate.
  • Handling and responding to potential requests for information made by the user.
  • Searching for promotions that fit the needs selected by the user.
  • Sending customized commercial communications on behalf of VIDALFERRS S.L.
  • Analysing the use of the Website and checking user preferences and behaviour.

    4.3 Data provided for publications on BLOGs belonging to VIDALFERRS S.L.:

  • Managing the publication of comments on the Website.
  • Managing the subscription and/or unsubscription to the Blog Newsletter at the user’s request.
  • Analysing the use of the Website and checking user preferences and behaviour.
  • If required, monitoring the content of users’ comments and, where appropriate, deleting those whose content does not meet the conditions of the current website at the discretion of VIDALFERRS S.L.

    4.4 Data provided for changing or cancelling reservations:

  • Managing the requests to change or cancel your reservation made to VIDALFERRS S.L. by the user.
  • Responding to requests made to VIDALFERRS S.L.
  • Analysing the use of the Website and checking user preferences and behaviour.

    4.5 Data provided on corporate contact forms and website:

  • Managing contact and information requests by the user through the channels provided for this on the VIDALFERRS S.L.
  • Managing the request made.
  • Analysing the use of the Website and checking user preferences and behaviour.

   4.6 Data provided on the booking recovery form:

  • Sending a reminder of users’ incomplete reservations or, if applicable, searches made by users.
  • Analysing the use of the Website and checking user preferences and behaviour.



VIDALFERRS S.L. will process the following categories of user data:

    5.1 Data provided for making reservations, both through the website and the contact center (call center, email or chat) for individual or group bookings:

  • Identifying data: name, surname, nationality.
  • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  • Transactional data for goods and services with VIDALFERRS S.L. Products and services purchased or in which you show interest.
  • Stay preferences.
  • Economic, financial and insurance data.
  • Other data: data provided by the data subjects in open fields or during calls.
  • Browsing data.

    5.2 Data provided to register as a user with VIDALFERRS S.L.:

  • Identifying data: name, surname, nationality.
  • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  • Identification codes and keys for the user and/or member.
  • Details employment data: profession, sector.

    5.3 Data provided for publications on BLOGs belonging to VIDALFERRS S.L.

  • Identifying data: name, surname, nationality.
  • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  • Browsing data.

    5.4 Data provided for changing or cancelling reservations:

  • Identifying data: name, surname, nationality
  • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  • Transactional data for goods and services
  • Economic, financial and insurance data.
  • Other data: data provided by the data subjects in open fields on forms available on the Website or in the attached documents.
  • Browsing data.

    5.5 Data provided on corporate contact forms and websites:

  • Identifying data: name, surname, nationality.
  • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  • Goods and services transaction data in VIDALFERRS S.L.:
  • Economic, financial and insurance data.
  • Other data: data provided by the data subjects in open fields on forms available on the Website or in the attached documents.
  • Browsing data.

    5.6 Data provided on the booking recovery form:

  • Contact details: address and email.



The justification for processing your personal data will be as follows:

6.1 For making reservations, both through the website and the contact centre (call centre, email or chat) for individual, group and room bookings: performance of the contract between the parties. For analysing the use of the Website, the legitimate interest of VIDALFERRS S.L.

 6.2 For managing user registration: the consent requested and, in verification, users’ compliance with terms and conditions, and for analysing the use of the Website, the legitimate interest of VIDALFERRS S.L. However, if you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the legality of prior processing.

6.3 For managing and publishing comments or publications sent by users on BLOGs belonging to VIDALFERRS S.L.: the consent given by the user and, in Website analysis, confirming user preferences and behaviour, and in monitoring the content of the comments, the legitimate interest of VIDALFERRS S.L. If you withdraw your consent for processing in the publication of comments, these will be deleted from the Website by VIDALFERRS S.L.

6.4 For changes and/or cancellation of your reservation: the performance of the contract between the parties. For analysing the use of the Website, the legitimate interest of VIDALFERRS S.L.

6.5 For sending corporate contact forms and website: the consent provided by the user. For analysing the use of the Website, the legitimate interest of VIDALFERRS S.L.


6.6 For sending the booking recovery reminder: the consent provided by the user. For analysing the use of the Website, the legitimate interest of VIDALFERRS S.L.

Consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are separate and the user may revoke only one without affecting the others. To revoke this consent, the User may contact VIDALFERRS S.L by the following methods: by email to



In addition, data may be accessed by VIDALFERRS S.L., suppliers, when this is required for proper compliance with legal obligations and/or for the purposes indicated above. These providers will not process your data for purposes not previously advised by VIDALFERRS S.L.



No international data transfers are made.



Your data will be stored for the following periods:

 9.1 Data provided for making reservations, both through the website and the contact centre (call centre, email or chat) for individual, group and room bookings: will be stored throughout the contractual relationship, and after termination of the same, for the limitation period for legal actions that could result from it.

9.2 Data provided to register as a user with VIDALFERRS S.L.: for as long as the user does not withdraw the consent provided. However, if you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the legality of prior processing.

9.3 Data provided for publications on BLOGs belonging to VIDALFERRS S.L.: Data will be stored for as long as the user does not withdraw the consent given.

9.4 Data provided for changing or cancelling reservations: will be stored throughout the contractual relationship, and after termination of the same, for the limitation period for legal actions that could result from it.

 9.5 Data provided on corporate contact forms and website: will be stored for the period required to process and answer your request and, when this is complete, for the limitation period for legal actions resulting from this request.



The user:

  • Guarantees that they are above eighteen (18) years of age and that the data they provide to VIDALFERRS S.L. and true, precise, complete and up to date. For these purposes, the user is liable for the veracity of all the data disclosed and must keep the information provided properly up to date, to reflect their actual situation.
  • They guarantee that they have informed the third parties whose data they have provided, if they have done so, of the points covered in this document. In addition, they guarantee that their authorization has been obtained to provide their data to VIDALFERRS S.L. for the indicated purposes.
  • They will be liable for any false or inaccurate information they provide on the Website and for direct or indirect damage caused to VIDALFERRS S.L. or to third parties.



Users may write to VIDALFERRS S.L., at the address noted at the top of this Policy, or by email to including a copy of their identity document, at any time and free of charge, to:

  • Revoke consent already granted.
  • Receive confirmation on whether or not VIDALFERRS S.L. is processing personal data belonging to the user.
  • Access your personal data.
  • Correct inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, for any reason, the data is no longer necessary for the purposed for which it was obtained.
  • Request that VIDALFERRS S.L. restrict data processing when any of the conditions in the data protection regulations are met.
  • Request the portability of the data provided by the User in cases envisaged in the regulations.
  • Lodge a complaint relating to protection of your personal data with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, when the data subject believes that VIDALFERRS S.L. has infringed the rights recognized by applicable data protection regulations.



VIDALFERRS S.L. will process user data absolutely confidentially at all times, under the duty of secrecy of the same, in accordance with applicable regulations, taking necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your data and prevent unauthorized changes, loss, processing or access, in view of the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and risks to which they are exposed.



In compliance with current and applicable regulations on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), VIDALFERRS S.L. informs users that it has proceeded to create a profile on the Social Networks Facebook, Instagram and X with the main purpose of advertising its products and services.

The user has a profile on the same Social Network and has decided to join the page created by VIDALFERRS S.L., thus showing interest in the information that is advertised on the Network. By joining our page, you provide us with your consent for the processing of those personal data published in your profile.

The user can access the privacy policies of the Social Network itself at any time, as well as configure their profile to guarantee their privacy.

VIDALFERRS S.L. has access to and processes the user’s public information, especially their contact name. These data are only used within the Social Network itself. They are not incorporated into any treatment system.


In relation to the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data that you have and that can be exercised before VIDALFERRS S.L., in accordance with the RGPD, you must take into account Consider the following nuances:

  • Right of Access: It is the right of the user to obtain information about their specific personal data and the processing that has been carried out or carried out, as well as the information available about the origin of said data and the communications made or planned by the users. themselves.
  • Right to Rectification: It is the right of the affected person to have data modified that turns out to be inaccurate or incomplete. It can only be satisfied in relation to information that is under the control of VIDALFERRS S.L., for example, deleting comments published on the page itself, images or web content containing personal data of the user.
  • Right to Limitation of processing: It is the right to limit the purposes of the processing originally intended by the data controller.
  • Right of Deletion: It is the right to delete the user’s personal data, except as provided in the RGPD itself or in other applicable regulations that determine the obligation to preserve them, in a timely manner.
  • Right to portability: The right to receive the personal data that the user has provided, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit it to another person responsible.
  • Right to Object: It is the user’s right to have their personal data not processed or to have their processing ceased by VIDALFERRS S.L.


VIDALFERRS S.L. will carry out the following actions:

  • Access to public profile information.
  • Publication in the user profile of all information already published on the VIDALFERRS S.L. page.
  • Send personal and individual messages through the Social Network channels.
  • Page status updates to be posted to the user’s profile.

The user can always control their connections, delete content that no longer interests them and restrict who they share their connections with, to do so they must access their privacy settings.


The user, once joined to the VIDALFERRS S.L. page, may publish on the latter, comments, links, images or photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the Social Network. The user, in all cases, must be the owner of these, enjoy the copyright and intellectual property rights or have the consent of the affected third parties. Any publication on the page, whether texts, graphics, photographs, videos, etc., is expressly prohibited. that violate or are likely to violate morality, ethics, good taste or decorum, and/or that infringe, violate or violate intellectual or industrial property rights, the right to image or the Law. In these cases, VIDALFERRS S.L. reserves the right to immediately remove the content, and may request the permanent blocking of the user.

VIDALFERRS S.L. will not be responsible for the content freely published by a user.

The user must keep in mind that his or her publications will be known to other users, so he himself is primarily responsible for his privacy.

The images that may be published on the page will not be stored in any processing system by VIDALFERRS S.L., but they will remain on the Social Network.


VIDALFERRS S.L reserves the right to hold competitions and promotions in which users linked to its page may participate. The rules for each of these competitions and promotions, when the Social Network platform is used for this purpose, will be published on the same. Always complying with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable regulations.

The Social Network does not sponsor, endorse or administer, in any way, any of our promotions, nor is it associated with any of them.


VIDALFERRS S.L. will use the Social Network to advertise its products and services. In any case, if it decides to process your contact information to carry out direct commercial prospecting actions, it will always be in compliance with the legal requirements of the RGPD and the LSSI-CE.

Recommending the VIDALFERRS S.L. page to other users so that they can also enjoy the promotions or be informed of its activity will not be considered advertising.

Below, we detail the link to the privacy policy of the Social Network: